Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Preview: Release by Nicole Hadaway

*Contest and Author Chat- Friday*

Please join Layers of Thought on Friday October 16 to read a sample of Release, and to answer a challenge question which will give you a chance to win a copy of Release. What a perfect way to celebrate Halloween.


Book Stats:

  • Published September 1st 2009 by Vamplit Publishing
  • Binding ebook, 290 pages
  • isbn13  9781907366024
  • Genre - Historical Fiction, Thriller, Fantasy

Book Description:

"Forever." That’s the response Ben Gongliewski receives, when he asks Miranda Dandridge how long she’s been a vampire. He doesn’t expect the word "forever" in her reply, but then again, Ben never imagined meeting vampires, let alone demons and werewolves, during his time as a Resistance worker in World War II Poland. Far from being horrified, Ben discovers that Miranda and her friends have very useful … talents … especially when it comes to saving children from concentration camps. After all, in these desperate times, while the line between good and evil is clear, the one between heroes and monsters is very, very blurred.

The last thing Miranda wants at this point in her immortal life is a human lover, but as she and Ben perform rescue after daring rescue, she can’t help but be drawn to his passion to save his fellow Jews. As the War draws to a close and Miranda must chose her love for Ben or her duty to her race, Ben is blindsided by a betrayal that no one sees coming. This leads to a danger in which all hell is about to break loose … literally…

My Thoughts so Far:

I have started reading the first several chapters of Release and think that Nicole’s writing style is concise, intelligent, and very enjoyable. The book is also set during WWII giving it an interesting historical tone. It apparently includes some romance. Fun stuff!

Author’s Personal Blurb:

Picture 005

I used to work as a lawyer, but now I only write about such things as bloodsuckers and deals with the devil (sorry! couldn't resist a lawyer joke there!). Have lived in such varied places as Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Washington, D.C. and even Monaco. Currently, I'm enjoying writing and raising my family in Texas.

You can connect with Nicole in several places – on Goodreads or on her blog.

Recent Interviews:

Purchasing Info:

This is an ebook available from Ebooks Undead – Vamplit Publishing located in the UK and sold in British pounds. This is currently equivalent to around $7 in the US. If you do not have an e-reader its printable.

Review coming soon!


Crystal said...

This book sounds fascinating. I can't wait to read a sample and enter your contest.

Unknown said...

Crystal -
Yeah! Thanks for the comment.
I'm thinking the WWII setting should be really interesting....Looking forward to seeing your comments on Friday.

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

looking forward to more on Friday!

Anonymous said...

You blog. You Book Face. And now you tweet. I have no idea how you do all that and eat, sleep, read, and supervise John in cooking, cleaning house, doing laundry, etc.

Wonder Woman Shellie?

Unknown said...

Mel -
Thanks for your support. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!

Charlie -
Excellent - You must be feeling better?
Its good to get your painfully funny comments. lol!
You have not let me know about the book yet? Lets make that your book of choice....we are neighbors you know.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

This sounds fascinating, but I must admit that I'm not really into the vampire mania!

I guess that makes me unfashionable!

Unknown said...

Laurel -
You know I have not read any Anne Rice and I am just reading Dracula for the first time. So I get what your saying. The only vampire stuff I have read is the Twilight series though. And only because it was a recommendation from my best friend.

I think that what drew me to this particular story its historical setting during WWII.

And what I say is the hell with fashion... its what you enjoy. :)

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