Monday, October 26, 2009

Book Tour and Preview: Flesh and Fire by Laura Anne Gilman


When I found Flesh and Fire on Bookbrowse (click on link for a free months trial) I thought it looked really good. It was added to my overflowing and ever growing to be read list, which is currently at 1060 books. *guilty but happy grin*

But here is the clincher - with it being in my favorite genre, wanting to feature more of it here on Layers of Thought, and myself being from the Napa Valley the lovely wine growing region - when I saw it on a blog tour I excitedly jumped in. Yee Ha!

This is my first blog tour.

Now for some Publisher’s info on Flesh and Fire and Laura Anne Gilman.

Amazon Book Stats:

  • Hardcover: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Pocket (October 13, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1439101418
  • ISBN-13: 978-1439101414
  • Genre: Fantasy 

     Publisher’s Blurb:

    Once, all power in the Vin Lands was held by the prince-mages, who alone could craft spellwines, and selfishly used them to increase their own wealth and influence. But their abuse of power caused a demigod to break the Vine, shattering the power of the mages. Now, fourteen centuries later, it is the humble Vinearts who hold the secret of crafting spells from wines, the source of magic, and they are prohibited from holding power.

    But now rumors come of a new darkness rising in the vineyards. Strange, terrifying creatures, sudden plagues, and mysterious disappearances threaten the land. Only one Vineart senses the danger, and he has only one weapon to use against it: a young slave. His name is Jerzy, and his origins are unknown, even to him. Yet his uncanny sense of the Vinearts' craft offers a hint of greater magics within -- magics that his Master, the Vineart Malech, must cultivate and grow. But time is running out. If Malech cannot teach his new apprentice the secrets of the spellwines, and if Jerzy cannot master his own untapped powers, the Vin Lands shall surely be destroyed.

    In Flesh and Fire, first in a spellbinding new trilogy, Laura Anne Gilman conjures a story as powerful as magic itself, as intoxicating as the finest of wines, and as timeless as the greatest legends ever told.

    Author Bio:


    Born in the late 1960’s in suburban New Jersey, Laura Anne endured only moderate trauma – and some good times – before escaping to Skidmore College.  After graduation, given the choice between grad school and employment, the lure of a paycheck took her to NYC and a career in publishing, while working nights and weekends to get her writing career started.

    In 2004, she and corporate America decided they needed a break from each other.  Her first original novel contract in-hand, Laura Anne became a full-time freelancer, and never looked back.
    She is the author of the Cosa Nostradamus books for Luna (the “Retrievers” and “Paranormal Scene Investigations” series), a YA trilogy for HarperCollins, and the forthcoming Vineart War books from Pocket, while continuing to write and sell short fiction. She also writes paranormal romances for Nocturne as Anna Leonard.

    Laura Anne is also an amateur chef, oenophile, and cat-servant. She lives in New York City, where she also runs d.y.m.k. productions.

    For more information about her here is her website.

    Blog Tour Participants:

  • Each of the blogs below will be doing a post around this book today – author interviews, giveaways, reviews, and more. So for additional info about Flesh and Fire  take a look at the blogs below. The links are not permalinks so you may have to scroll down to see the post for this tour if not viewed on Monday, October 26.

    1. All About {N} 
    2. Beth’s Book Review Blog  
    3. Drey’s Library 
    4. Revenge of the Book Nerds 
    5. The Neverending Shelf 
    6. Fantasy Freak 
    7. Undercover Book Lover 
    8. Carol’s Notebook  
    9. Starting Fresh 
    10. Pick of the Literate 
    11. My Friend Amy 
    12. Cheryl’s Book Nook 
    13. Opinionated? Me? 
    14. Readaholic 
    15. One Person’s Journey Through A World of Books 
    16. My Life In Not So Many Words 
    17. Geek Girl Reviews 
    18. Sci-Fi Guy
    19. Wendy's Minding Spot 
    20. Found Not Lost  
    21. Brizmus Blogs Books 
    22. 25 Hour Books  
    23. Temple Library Reviews 

    For purchasing Flesh and Fire from Amazon the links are here US/UK/Canada.

    Layers of Thought received this book for review and participation in this blog tour through Pocket Books. Thank you Sarah!

    Review coming soon!


    Aarti said...

    I've seen so much about this book on shelf awareness. It looks intriguing, so I'll be looking forward to your review! I also love fantasy books and wine :-)

    Unknown said...

    Aarti -
    There is one that I found in the list here which is in the tour that is giving the book away... minding that all are not live should check it out?

    Also I am glad you came by your pic is not longer live in my google follower list... something is not quite right. fyi - I was meaning to drop you an email today about it.

    Anonymous said...

    I need another fantasy series like a hole in the head--but I DO like a good fantasy read.

    When you said 1060 books in your TBR I thought it was a misprint. But then I followed your link and, sho 'nuf, 1060. I snooped through a dozen pages before I realized it would take me all week to get through it.

    And I thought I was behind at about 15--but with about 6 new ones coming in.

    Unknown said...

    Charlie -
    Thats why I posted it.. for the omg - she's a nut factor. I guess as far as addictions go at least I know this book collection will not negatively affect my liver.

    Whats even more incredible is that I have a woman who is following my reviews on Goodreads and she has 10,000+ books in her tbr pile. It makes me feel normal.

    Thanks for the laugh :)

    logankstewart said...

    1060 TBR books?! Wow. What a list. Good luck, and I look forward to the review from this book.

    Unknown said...

    Logan -
    I did state I am a book nut right?
    No one can accuse me of being untruthful ....:)
    I think my list is cool and I love choices - lots of them.

    Krista said...

    This sounds like my kind of book! I love the cover too. I hope you enjoy it! I can't wait for your review.

    Good luck with the tour. as well! :)

    Unknown said...

    Krista -
    I hope I like it too - most likely if I like it you will too. :)

    The tour is really very easy - just a post as you see here. You should see what the others have posted. Some have done very little.

    Thanks :)

    Anonymous said...

    Sorry, Shellie, but your liver will be affected if your TBR pile falls on it.

    "John, HELP! I'm here, under the TBR pile, and I think my liver is broken!"

    Unknown said...

    Charlie -
    Well I think I'm safe they are all virtual books...

    ibpurpledragon said...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I loved Gilman's book. I bow to your tbr stack or in my case pile waiting stack. Since I retired 3 years ago I have whittled mine down to just under 1000 to be read and about the same number in my too good to give away stack. In an effort to maintain cordial marital relations I have agreed to give away any scifi/fantasy I don't like and all other genres when I have read them. Now that I am spending more time writing than reading I may catch up with you. LOL Thanks again for the visit.

    Unknown said...

    Bill -
    You too thanks for the comment!
    I am so looking forward to Flesh and Fire...

    And we all must do things to keep "marital peace" - especially those of us that are actually married.

    The problem with my tbr pile is that it is still growing. However it is only virtual. Thank goodness.
    I mentioned in the comments here that I have a woman that is following me on goodreads who has 10,000 plus in her

    Take care!

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