Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mega Award Post – Lots of Awards from some Wonderful Bloggers

“If you aspire to the highest place, it is no disgrace to stop at the second, or even the third, place." Cicero

Having saved all these 13 wonderful  awards from a bunch of terrific bloggers for ages – they are finally getting the credit they deserve in this “Mega” post.

Here we go:

From Laurel on one of her of blogs Creations by Laurel –Rain Snow  we have received The Splash Award. What a cute award. Thanks Laurel! Laurel has several books that she has written one that is being featured here on Layers of Thought – Chasing Stardust

splashThe Splash Award is given to those blogs you find alluring, bewitching, impressive and inspiring.

This down to earth award from two bloggers Laurel from Obsessions and Compulsions and Alexia from Alexia’s Books and Such  is  fun. Thanks Laurel and Alexia! Alexia has a great mostly speculative fiction blog and has just had knee surgery. Stop by and say hello!

Here are ten honest things about me. Hmmmmm….


  1. I am an organized person - mostly.
  2. I am artistic – I can draw, paint, “throw” pottery, do great eyebrows, and am a makeup artist.
  3. I got married at age 41 for the first time.
  4. I am step grandma – to three little cuties with English accents.
  5. I have taken huge breaks from reading in the past – sometimes for years at a time.
  6. I love wine and have been to so many wineries in the Napa Valley area that I can be considered a wine snob.
  7. I had a teacher’s credential in California for K-12.
  8. I am a licensed Aesthetician in CA and AZ – I do facials, waxing, and makeup.
  9. I have have had two businesses one in AZ the other in CA doing skin care.
  10. I went to a Catholic school for nine years of my schooling as a child.

Melissa from Must Read Faster awarded me the 2009 Friendly Blogger Award  several months ago and gave it to me “just cuz’ ”.  Your a sweetie Melissa. Thank you! She has a general book blog but loves young adult the most. She was one of Layers of Thought’s first followers so will always be special.

friendly blogger award

Rachel of The Book Wars sent me the Heartfelt Award. This award is so cute. I love the way the little mouse peeks out of the cup. Thank you Rachel! Rachel is a cutie that has a young adult book blog which is awesome.

Do you reach for a cup of cocoa or tea when you're relaxing, seeking comfort, sharing a plate of cookies with family and friends? You know the feeling you get when you drink a yummy cup of cocoa, tea, or a hot toddy? That is what the Heartfelt Award is all about--feeling warm inside.


Missy from Missy’s Book Nook has awarded me with an award called Why Friends are Like Books. Thank You Missy! This is such a perfect award for book bloggers. Missy has a general fiction book blog where she also catalogs her life bringing in the music and movies from the time – mostly the 80’s. A nice diversion down memory lane since I was a late teen then.


Why friends are like books...

~ We never judge a book by it's cover. (Okay, we do, but only because we love us sum eye candy!! =)
~ Every book is different to each of us, in it's own special way and every book is special to us in every way.
~The variety in our books is the same in our friendship... we are all different, but together, we make up one hella'va a story!!!
~ We know that we can always count on a good book to make us feel better!! We call them keepers!
Those are just a few reasons why friends are like books...
I am glad that I happened upon you... just like so many of my books...
You will forever be on my Keeper Shelf!!!

Thank you for being my friend!!"

Kerri bo Berri from Books with Swords awarded me this award called the Proximidade Award. This is wonderful award. Thank you Kerri! Kerri has a great blog that is on hiatus at the moment. I can’t wait for her to come back.

This award is also from Natalie at The Book Inn. Since I really like this award two is even better. Thanks Natalie! Natalie has a sweet general fiction book blog – she likes historical fiction too.

And another one from Sharon at Sharon’s Garden of Book Reviews – Thanks Sharon! Three times is the best! Its such a great award that I feel very honored to receive three. Sharon is a professional book reviewer. She did 11 book reviews in one week several weeks ago. Wow!


This blog invests and believes in the Proximity – nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!

Being a recipient of this award affirms that this blog invests and believes in the Proximity – nearness in space, time and relationships.


Kim the Metro Reader at Reading One Mile at a Time. It is the Spread the {heart} Award. Thank you Kim! This is a cute one. Kim has a full time job yet maintains a very nice book blog - a daunting task.


Kim the Metro Reader at Reading One Mile at a Time and Helen from A Reading Collection have awarded me the Who Hearts You, Baby! Award. Thank you for this cute and sweet award. Its always nice to feel “hearted”. Thank you both! Helen is a book nut and writer with a very nice blog.


Rhiannon at her blog – Rhiannon Hart - fantasy dystopian paranormal has awarded me the Kreativ Blogger Award. Thanks Rhiannon! I love Rhiannon’s blog since I adore speculative fiction. Her first book has just been accepted for publishing. Yeah Rhiannon!


Once you receive this award you are to list seven of your favorite things:

  1. My ancient 19 year old kitty – Honey.
  2. Books – that's a no brainer.
  3. Not having to cook – I like eating out or ordering take out.
  4. Hiking.
  5. The Library.
  6. Book Stores –especially used.
  7. My backyard Buddha.

Kerri at Book Ends has Awarded me the Zombie Chicken Award I have seen this everywhere and thought – I want that award. This is a really fun award. Thanks Kerri!

Sharon at Sharon’s Garden of Book Reviews has also awarded me with this award. Thank you Sharon! This is an awesome award.


The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken – excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words.

Lisa at Book Blab sent me a sweet award the Lets be Friends Award. She is an upbeat general fiction book blogger who I am now lucky to have as a friend. Thank you Lisa!


Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.

I have also received another award from Kerri Bo Berri from Books with Swords called the Top Commenter Award. Thanks Kerri!


And for the last award for this post I received the Dragon’s Loyalty Award from Laurel on one of her blogs and I have lost the link. Opps…Thanks Laurel!

Dragon's Loyalty Award_JPG

The Dragon's Loyalty Award is an award for the loyal fan and or commenter, whether the recipient is a fellow blogger or just a someone who follows and comments regularly.

Thanks so much to all that have taken the time to hand out these fun awards. This is so awesome but instead of passing these awards along I am going to give out a few new awards that I created a couple of months ago in an new post. Please stay tuned!


Rhiannon Hart said...

No worries darls! Congrats on all your awards. (But I'll just say my book's been accepted for representation--book deal to follow soon I hope. I hope with all my might!)

Unknown said...

Rhiannon -
I was just reading you in google reader...
So sorry to jump the gun. It will be accepted I just know it!

Donna said...

Woa! Congratulations on the terrific blog awards! All them are well deserved. :)

Unknown said...

Donna -
I've been feeling very neglectful as they have added up. Gosh I hope I have not lost any.
I will won't forget you gave me one of my first awards. :)

Lisa said...

Shellie, you are VERY WELCOME! You are amazing to have managed to keep track of all of those! Congrats on your awards, my friend. :0)

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

What a wonderful way to display the awards—in one gigantic post!

You are welcome, Shellie, and on that one award...don't remember which one, you were sharing stuff about yourself. It was great to learn more about you. I had no idea that you'd been a teacher. You also mentioned the Napa Valley and wine tasting. I was there this summer. I go to Arizona a lot, too.

Unknown said...

Lisa -
I bet you thought I forgot all about the awards? I may have lost a few - I recall you giving me two? I have figured out a better system now so none should get lost in the future.

Anyways thanks the award and for being my friend. :)

Laurel -
Thank you!
I am from Napa. It is so beautiful there. I hope you enjoyed yourself. I'm not going to think about it too much or I will get homesick.

When you are in AZ we should get together.

Anonymous said...

You've worked hard this year to make this blog a success, and the awards prove it. You (and JD) deserve every one of them.

I haven't seen the The Dragon's Loyalty Award and I think it's really neat. (That's how the intelligentsia talks: "Really neat.")

Unknown said...

Charlie -
It keeps me going that's for sure - otherwise I would be bored silly.

We inteligisters talks alike. lol!

You will have an award coming from me soon. I just need to get my act together.
Thanks a bunch!

Barlinnie said...

Well done hen, credit where credit is due.

Unknown said...

Jimmy -
Thanks a bunch!
I hope your staying warm and dry there over the pond!

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