Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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Here’s a silly little quiz to take – Which Part of Thanksgiving Are You?

Here are our results:

For Shellie - Smashed Potatoes


You are ordinary, comforting, and more than a little predictable you're the glue that holds everyone together.

Hmmm sounds like Shellie - especially the smashed part when having partaken too much in the libation category.

For JD - The Stuffing


You're complicated and complex, yet all your pieces fit together.
People miss you if you're gone - but they're not sure why.

Or maybe the turkey or the dip would be more appropriate?

Beyond that silliness - here are two useful link for those of us whom have the tendency to over do it in our celebrating:


I found this quiz at Martha’s Bookshelf – Thanks Martha! 


TheChicGeek said...

What a fun quiz, Shellie :) I will take it and see what I am. I feel like a mashed potatoe today...LOL
Ahhhh, but it is good to be on vacation! I am having fun with out of town guests ;)

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving, Shellie!
Hugs and Love to you and your Family!

Unknown said...

Kelly -
Mashed or Smashed I like the slightly intoxicated kind of potato.

And if you have to bring something to the party you can always bring the dip - a goofy date.

Have a wonderful celebration!

Gwendolyn B. said...

Ha! I'm the stuffing -- I can live with that! This was fun -- Have a happy holiday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to Smashed and Stuffed!

Unknown said...

Gwendolyn -
I guess being the stuffing beats being the turkey or the dip?

Have a great meal! and remember the remedy here on this post.

Charlie -
Once again you have totally cracked both John and I up.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Not an event we celebrate here in the UK - shame. Happy Thanksgiving.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Cute quiz. I'm "good old mashed potatoes" LOL

Have a wonderful day!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Can't wait to take the quiz, although I have my suspicions! LOL.

Unknown said...

Petty -
John - the husband is English, he has yet to create a true bond with it, even after 6 years or so.
I have the same trouble with Guy Fawks day - :)

Diane -
I should have put a video of the song and dance mashed potatoes...

Laurel -
I was thinking you would be the candied!

Thanks to all for stopping by and making my morning :)

Anonymous said...

Your comment to Diane:

"I should have put a video of the song and dance mashed potatoes..."

How about your that creepy Halloween photo of you and the song "Monster Mash"?

Kill two turkies with one stone that way.

Donna said...

Cute little quiz, I'm the stuffing. :)

I hope you and JD are having a terrific Thanksgiving. Take care and eat lots!

Alexia561 said...

Fun quiz! I'm mashed potatoes, but think I'd rather be smashed! *L*

Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Charlie -
I was thinking about that song for Halloween. I just thought I would be totally tasteless with the death theme and Micheal Jackson. Yikes - I am sooo bad.

Alexia -
Me too. ;)
It shall soon be fact since we are off to the restaurant in a few minutes. Perhaps a glass before we go for a head start.

I am so happy I don't have to cook. Yeah!

Donna -
Well at least your not the turkey or the dip. :)
You have a great celebration with your family too.

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