Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Book Giveaway at All Things Smart and Scary – A Child’s Wound – A Novel by Dwayne Kavanagh

Nicole at All Things Smart and Scary does a weekly giveaway of a horror or thriller book at her blog. This is her current offering - A Child’s Wound. It  looks especially interesting, if you enjoy reading about serial killers, which I do. Check out the name of the publisher as well…

41Iwiw h 9L._SX106_Book Stats:

  • A Child's Wound – A Novel
  • by Dwayne Kavanagh
  • August 4th 2009 by Sick Puppy Publications
  • Paperback, 382 pages
  • ISBN: 0981323308    (isbn13: 9780981323305)
  • Genre: Thriller

Book Information:

Tim Hadler, an eccentric narcissist, stalks his next victim and joins the likes of Ted Bundy and Jack the Ripper. Tim enjoys what he does and has perfected his craft. What makes him different than most serial killers is that he can manipulate some of his victims. Those he allows to live. Tim walks the streets of Manhattan, cruising through book shelves and Cafe line ups to find the perfect victims. Unfortunately for Tim he has stumbled upon something that never prepared him for what is about to happen. His next victim turns out to be a New York City Detective. Just when Tim thought he had his life under control he's drawn into a game like no other. In Manhattan, N.Y., a Serial Killer stages his victims as if they were works of art. Detective Christine Maloan is tracking down a killer that leaves clues that date back to the Egyptian Pyramids. The hidden symbols are difficult to put together and the murders have the entire city up in arms and the FBI edging closer to taking over the case. Throughout the story Tim uncovers situations in his past that reveals some insight into understanding why he does what he does. But will that stop him who knows?

Contest Details:

  • one (1) trade paperback for US and Canada residents
  • and/or 1 e-copy to those elsewhere in the world
  • contestants need to email Nicole from All Things Smart and Scary at with your answer to this question: What's your favorite serial killer movie?
  • contest starts Friday Jan 15th and ends Jan 29th

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug, Shellie!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the post & the links!

Unknown said...

Nicole -
But of course. :) I hope it generates some interest.

RK -
You bet and good luck!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Thanks for mentioning this!

Unknown said...

Laurel -
My pleasure - good luck!

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