Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bloggiesta Update and Closing Post – Sunday Evening

blogiestaCompleted Goal and Challenge For Today

Goal number 6 and mini challenge hosted by The Book Lady’s Blog - Clean out reader

I have spent most of the day deleting blogs that I do not recognize or do not read. I added way too many in my new blogger enthusiasm.

Please if I have deleted your blog and/or I do not subscribe to your blog and you are a reader of Layers of Thought – LET ME KNOW. I was ruthless and am highly fallible. It is my intention to read and subscribe to each blog that reads Layers of Thought.

Summary of Finished Goals

Primary Goals:

  1. Back up blog - Finished

  2. Create an internal reading challenge list and updated finished challenges - Finished

  3. Start an author link up page for all Layers of Thought’s writer and author followers

  4. Start an updated internal blogroll

  5. Clean up any defunct links – Found Dead Links Need to Fix

  6. Clean out my google reader a bit more since it is exploding - Finished

  7. Start a bunch of posts that I have been neglecting

Completed 3.5 of the 7

Mini Challenges Completed:

Completed 4.5 of the challenges.


Although I have not completed all the goals I had planned. I am a bit more knowledgeable and aware of what needs to be done. I am also going continue using the posts linked above as well as the other mini challenge sites to continue to improve Layers of Thought.

Looking forward to the next Bloggiesta.

A Muchas Gracias to all who have contributed to the Bloggiesta – Especially to MAW Books for hosting this function.


April (BooksandWine) said...

Great job, looks like you really worked hard and took advantage of bloggiesta :-D

Anonymous said...

One small suggestion, Shellie. Since you moderate your comments and catch spam, you don't really need that damnable secret word—sometimes it takes me three tries before I get it right.

Unknown said...

April -
Thanks a bunch! I appreciate the comment. :)

Charlie -
It shall be fixed manana in consideration of you. But if I get spammers it will be your fault. I have not gotten one yet - Can you believe it?

I will be by your blog tomorrow.

Serena said...

Congrats on all the progress you made. I've subscribed to your blog recently and am enjoying it. Happy reading.

Unknown said...

Serena -
I am so glad you have. Thanks!

I think I have already added your blog since you have commented several times. But will check.

I appreciate you letting me know. It does help so much.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Congratulations on all you accomplished! I want to learn how to back up the blog, but something in the instructions had me I'll go back to it when I'm not pushed for time.

Then, of course, there's the minor little problem of having SEVENTEEN blogs! What was I thinking??

Unknown said...

Laurel -
Thanks a bunch. My husband was bugging me last night suggesting I had overstated my goals since I did not meet them. But it was my first Bloggiesta. Oh well thats a manager for you.

You know I was thinking about that - Have you ever thought of consolidating them? Jeez. Well with the program that I use it can happen in the background while you do other work.

As for the blogger back up it takes just a click and its done.

I am so crazy right now Laurel. I want to go in and read blogs but I have this huge list to do before we leave to England.

Unknown said...

Charlie -
I have cut out the word verification thingy - it is all done.

I was thinking perhaps that's why our comments are so light. :)

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

Hey Shellie,

I'm a faithful reader :) Come check me out and follow if you like!

Amanda (A Bookshelf Monstrosity)

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Thats the great thing about Bloggiesta. It doesnt matter how much you get done... its so nice to have the mini challenges there to teach us how to be better bloggers... to have better looking and functioning blog. :) You did awesome!

Unknown said...

Amanda -
I have seen your google icon but could not access your blog through it from my follower box.

Yes I will be signing up if I already have not done so.

Thanks for letting me know!

Sheila -
Thanks for stopping by. I do feel frustrated about not completing more goals, but I did learn a lot. Can't wait for #3.

I have wanted to get by to see your posts but I have been swamped.

Lisa Roe said...

Nice work on all you accomplished! You did a great job staying organized and on task...even with all those shots! lol. As you can see, I'm still going through the participants list, but I'm having fun taking my time and reading through everyone's posts!

Unknown said...

Online Publicist -
Thanks for the support. The shots where for bravery and they certainly did help. And bless caffeine - both are a great combo!

I wish I had the time right now to get by and see everyone's posts.... next bloggiesta. :)


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