Monday, November 9, 2009

Preview and ARC Giveaway: The Things That Keep Us Here by Carla Buckley (A Post Apocalyptic Novel)

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A wonderful thing happened the other day. We received two ARCs for The Things That Keep Us Here (Out of Thin Air in the UK) by error. (If you win you will receive the US copy.) I have since been given the go ahead to forward the second ARC onto one of Layers of Thought’s Readers in a contest. Thank you Davina and Quinne!

We will be sending this copy to one reader in hopes that he/she will post a review on their blog as well as the site where the ARC was received – BookBrowse. They are currently offering a month’s free trial. I highly recommend this site.

You do not need to be a member to post a review there, and the link to do so for this book is here.

Now some info about the book.

Amazon Stats for US and Canada:

  • Hardcover: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Delacorte Press (February 9, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0440245095
  • ISBN-13: 978-0440245094
  • Genre: Post Apocalyptic


  • Paperback: 368 pages
  • Publisher: Orion (18 Feb 2010)
  • ISBN-10: 1409113086
  • ISBN-13: 978-1409113089

    Editorial Blurb from Amazon UK (it was shorter):

    It's every mother's nightmare. And it's getting closer. For Ann Brooks, it's been a tough year. But it's about to get worse. Still mourning for the baby she lost and the marriage it cost her, Ann's bringing up her two young daughters alone. She's about to discover just how strong she can be. Panic has gripped America. A deadly killer is moving across countries and oceans, a virus so deadly it kills every other person it infects. As society grinds to a halt and ordinary families quarantine themselves in their own homes, desperate to avoid its spread, Ann must face her worst fears. But how do you protect your family from a threat you cannot see? Sealed inside the family home she once loved, Ann, Maddie and Kate will have to battle the cold and the dark, food and water shortages, and the greed and violence of their former neighbors if they're to make it through. Harrowing and deeply moving, Carla Buckley's debut novel sheds light on the choices we make in the darkest of times, a powerfully compelling thriller that is only too real.

  • Book Browse Book Info

    Author’s Personal Bio:


    I currently live in Columbus, Ohio with Tim, an environmental scientist at The Ohio State University, our three children and two miniature dachshunds, numerous dust bunnies and some scary-looking weeds.

    The Things That Keep Us Here will be published February 9, 2010, and I am working on my next novel, another standalone, which Delacorte Press will publish in 2011.

    Connect with the author on Goodreads where she has a small following and and is still accessible, and her website.

    To preorder this book from Amazon - purchasing links are here US/UK/Canada –  in Euros at The Book Depository.

    Review coming soon!

    Contest Info:

    To enter you must:

    • be a subscriber of Layers of Thought
    • comment
    • include in the post your email so that I can contact you (even if I know your email – less clicking and digging)

    You can do none, any, or all of the below for 1 extra entry point each. All entries may be included in one single comment. Good Luck!

    1. Blog it - side bars are great - please provide links
    2. Tweet it  – provide links please
    3. Friend on Twitter
    4. Friend on Goodreads
    5. Friend on Book Blogs
    6. Friend on Glue  - new to glue? have questions? let me know.

    This is a quickie and is available within the US and Canada. (sorry to my international readers). Contest ends Thursday November 19, 12 PM Arizona time. The winner will be posted and notified on Friday November 20. Thanks for entering!


    Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

    I am a new follower and subscriber.

    Following on Twitter I am
    I just requested your friendship on Goodreads (Jaime Huff, Phoenix)
    and I also just requested you as a friend on Bookblogs.

    Thank you!

    jaime.huff1 at gmail dot com

    P.S. Are you in Arizona (Curious because of the time zone)? I am in Phoenix :)

    Eleni said...

    -I'm an old follower
    -Great giveaway!
    +1 Friend on Twitter (@lafemmereaders)
    +1 Friend on Goodreads
    +1 Friend on Book Blogs


    (Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

    This sounds like a great giveaway; i'd love to won:

    bubliophilebythesea at GMAIL dot COM

    Anonymous said...

    Hi Shellie :)
    I'm a Follower here & on Twitter.
    I posted about this on Tuesday's Blog post.
    My email is rkcharron at gmail dot com
    Thank you for the opportunity to win.
    All the best,

    Julie S said...

    This sounds really good. I'm a follower on here and twitter.

    Stacey Brucale said...

    Please enter me!

    +1 twitter follower (@squiggles87)
    +1 Goodreads Friend


    Kris said...

    Hey follower here just found the blog :) This sounds like a REALLY good read!

    Krista said...

    What an awesome giveaway!! I love Post Apocalyptic books! YAY! Please enter me!!

    -I'm an old follower

    -Email: kristacole64(at)yahoo(dot)com
    +1 Friend on Twitter (@kristacarmen)
    +1 Friend on Goodreads
    +1 Friend on Book Blogs

    Thank you!!

    kittyism said...

    Hi there! Thanks for having this contest.

    I'm a new blog and twitter follower and blog subscriber.

    My email is rekitty96(at)gmail(dot)com

    Thanks again!

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