Monday, November 16, 2009

Gotta Love Give Aways – November 16, 2009

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The miracle is this - the more we share, the more we have. -- Leonard Nimoy

Here are the mostly sci fi, horror, and fantasy giveaways from around the blogosphere that I have found and chosen to enter, as well as a few other places where you can win books and more. Please feel free to link your giveaway(s) in the comment section and to look there if you want to enter contests that are not linked in this post. Have fun, let me know if you win due to this post, and good luck!

I Heart Monsters is giving away a copy of Vampire Taxonomy by Meredith Woerner. There is no location or end date posted.

the magic district’s co-author N. K. Jemisin is offering an ARC copy of her soon to be released The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms for a promise to post a review and contest entry. No end date or area specified.

Sci Fi Guy is offering a choice of three books – The Gathering Storm by Sanderson and Jordan; The Dame by R. A. Salvatore; or Sasha by Joel Shepard. It ends November 16 and is international.

Neth Space is giving away Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erickson. It ends November 17 and is international.

Grasping for the Wind is offering 7th Son: Descent by J.C. Hutchins . It ends November 19th and is for US and Canada. *while you are there check out the banners at the top of the blog – I made them, refresh to see them both*

Book Chick City is offering Hell’s Belles by Paul Magrs – this book is not available in the US and it is signed. It ends November 19 and is for the US and UK.

Revenge of the Book Nerds is offering a copy of Pendragon’s Banner by Helen Hollick. It ends November 20 and is in US and Canada.

all about {n} is giving away 3 Kate DiCamillo’s books to one winner. The Magician’s Elephant; The Tale of Despereaux; and The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. It ends November 20 and is international.

Fantasy Dreamer is offering a book called Prime Evil by Heather Long. It ends November 23 and is international.

The Queen of Happy Endings is giving away Fire by Kristen Cashore or Garden Spells by Sara Addison Allen. It ends November 25 and is international.

R.K. Charron is giving away Under the Dome by Stephen King. It ends November 26 and is international.

Book Bound is giving away a choice of three books with a cover puzzle contest. The choices are A Touch of Dead by Charlaine Harris; Deep Kiss of Winter by Cole and Showalter; or Lover Avenged by J.R. Ward. It ends November 28 and is International.

Peace Love & Pat is giving away 4 books – Queen of The Damned by Anne Rice; Cocktails for Three by Madeliene Wickham; Lost Souls by Lisa Jackson; and Poison Ink by Christopher Golden. It ends November 29 and is available in the US only.

J. Kaye's Book Blog is giving away a copy of My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent. It ends November 27 with in US and Canada.

J. Kaye’s Book Blog is giving away 4 copies of Pollen by Francis T. Perry Williams. It ends November 27 and is available in US and Canada. *J. Kaye has specific rules for her giveaways please take note.

A Book Lover’s Diary is giving away of 24 young adult books for 4 lucky winners. It ends November 30. It is international.

Fantasy/Sci Fi Lovin is giving away and ARC copy of Mirrorscape by Mike Wilks. It ends November 20 and is international.

The Shady Glady is offering a copy of Yesterday’s Magic by Pamela Service. It ends November 25 and is available in the US and Canada.

Mindful Musings is giving away her ARC copy of Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. It ends November 30 and is available only in the US.

Writer’s Space is giving away your choice of a Kindle or a Sony eBook reader. It ends November 30. No area specified.

Book Rat is giving away a copy of Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder. It ends December 1 and is available only in the US.

Bibliofreak is giving away 15 of Kindle eBook readers to a lucky few of her subscribers. This contest ends December 18 and is international.

The Noobie Kindle Give Away. It ends December 10. Available in the US only.

Dark Faerytales is giving away a copy of The Dark Divine by Bree Dispain. It ends December 14. It is international.

Park Avenue Princess is giving away your choice of eBook reader and several copies of Liquid Soul by Mathew Carter with a few other things as well. The contest ends December 24 and is international.

Link ups, posts, blogs, and more for giveaway lists

Fantasy Dreamer always has a list of ongoing giveaways in a weekly post and to the right on her blog page.

Give Away Round up has an almost daily list of give aways.

Goodread’s Book Giveaways Group

Goodreads has its own give away section too!

Out of the Blue has a weekly Wednesday post of give aways.

Writer’s Space has a list of ongoing book giveaways – chic lit, romance, and paranormal. Sign up for a news letter to get updates.

For a taste of horror and more on Friday’s there’s an ebook giveaway every week at Nicole’s blogAll Things Smart and Scary.

*Please note if a link is not working properly let me know. This is quite a “fiddly” job – so errors abound even more than usual.


ediFanoB said...

And here is one more giveaway:

Only The Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Signed copy of The Gathering Storm.

Unknown said...

Thanks ediFanoB - not sure why I missed that one!

Jennifer said...

I have one giveaway going on at the moment, if anyone is interested! It's a great memoir of a pediatric surgeon in Iraq!

Click Here!


Unknown said...

Thanks Jennifer - sorry I missed that one as well. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Shellie! Thanks for posting my link for Vampire Taxonomy. That one is actually over already, but I do have one going for Chocolate: A Love Story right now. Here's the link:

Unknown said...

I Heart Monsters -
Thanks I will be by tomorrow to enter. I wonder how I did that? :)
Well good to be connected anyway!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shellie :)
Thank you for the excellent links.
And thanks for including me!
Love & Best Wishes,

Alessandra said...

Thanks for linking to my blog! As for book giveaways, I'm starting my very first on my blog today. Winner gets book of their choice up to €12 from - if this sounds interesting, check out

ediFanoB said...

Hi Shellie,

don't worry. There are so many giveaways!

Misty said...

I actually have two contests going on at Book Rat; the other is a book of choice. It's here, if anyone's interested. :D

Unknown said...

Thanks all! Good luck :)

Alexia561 said...

Thanks for sharing the links for all of these great contests! Wishing you good luck! :)

Unknown said...

Alexia -
I try to do this at least once a month... I hope you win one!

Alessandra said...

I have a list of giveaways on my blog every Wednesday. See this week's post:

Unknown said...

Alesandra -
We will get you up there next month...:)

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