Friday, June 11, 2010

Bloggiesta Ole! – let the blog improvements begin!





Pedro! - Plan.  Edit.  Develop.  Review.  Organize.

Lets hear it for our Mascot – lets Party!!!

(Badge links to the beginning post for the blog improvement extravaganza at Maw Books Blog. A big thanks to Maw!)

The third event of its kind, and my second time joining in the festivities, it is where a bunch of bloggers will set goals, enter mini challenges, win prizes, and connect with one another via posts, RSS feed, twitter and more. All the while improving their blogs. With a a variety of very experienced and knowledgeable bloggers hosting mini challenges and contests, you can still check them out even if you do not participate. My motto is that lurking and linking works.

My involvement will for today only, since I do need to unplug a bit each week. The last Bloggiesta I came to some dark realizations (example – I had a ton of links leading nowhere, which I still have not fixed) about my blog and tried to do more that I could possibly complete. This time a bit wiser, I am going to use the KISS strategy – keep it simple SHELLIE! and set just a few “easier” goals for the day and perhaps more for the next six months as I become more aware of the things we bloggers can do to improve our blogs.

And to remind myself of my true nature, here is my little personal avatar for the challenge (that's me snail shell Shellie - without the tequila):


My Simple Goals (I am still kidding myself *twisted smile*):

  1. Create a Blog roll invitation post. (started)
  2. Credit new header to the artist.
  3. Update review policy.
  4. Examine categories and update as needed.
  5. Update reading challenge posts.
  6. Back it up!

3.5 down 2.5 to go!

Beyond Bloggiesta Goals and Mini Challenge Participation (to be added as the day progresses):

  1.  Embracing Community at Bonjour, Cass!   - mini challenge comment on 10 or more blogs from the challenge
  2. Girls Gone Reading – Your Review Policy – mini challenge has been updated ( this is an excellent post with some great tips!)


Friday – 6/11/2010

8:11 am – beginning blog post

9:43 am – fixed funky wording on this post, started blog roll invitation, started end post for this challenge, and added some helpful links to share.

10:32 am – found loads of great links and ideas for end post, commented on 3 blogs and found the little start icon header added above!

11:15 am – completed mini challenge number one – off to fix lunch!

3:01 pm – updated review policy via mini challenge, checked out a few other recommendations for example a firefox add on which I have yet to use called easyComment

4:03 pm – added artist credit for new header, and got lost in the art of flickr for an hour – Oh Dear!

4:43 pm – checked out rss feed info not what I needed, added fb link for subscribers

5:27 pm – commented on a few other blogs, did some perusing on older bloggiesta posts, also created a list of my categories to examine and simplify

5:41 pm - over and out – I may be back for more tomorrow - Time for Margaritas and burritos!

Saturday – June 12, 2010

Completed Categories for this session – thinking about other ways to shrink the huge list.

Over and out!  Unlpugging….


There is still time to join in, link, think, and do. I will be updating this post as the event progresses so no Bloggiesta spam this weekend. I will also attempt to do an ending post for the event on Monday.

For new visitors – Hello and welcome!  We respond to all comments here at Layers of Thought – all suggestions and encouragements are greatly appreciated!


Anonymous said...

In your "My Simple Goals," you forgot fix/delete broken links. I'm not nagging, mind you . . .

Unknown said...

Charlie -
You are a bloody pain in the puh-tooty you know that don't you?

They is never gonna get fixed. I have to eat, sleep and shower. lol!

De-nile... I love that river.

Chrisbookarama said...

Good luck this weekend! I love your little snail.

Blodeuedd said...

Good luck :D This is such a good idea really.

Unknown said...

Thank you Chris!
When I was a teen my nick name was snailshell...

Blodeuedd -
Thanks! My end post will have a bunch of links you can check out to improve your blog.
Lurking is good or you can still join in?

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

It's important to keep it simple...and I'm glad you didn't say "keep it simple, stupid," which is the 12-step mantra!

I wish I could fix a few things in my world, like the dogs that yap endlessly throughout the day, making it hard to keep my windows open (to avoid the air conditioner until absolutely necessary!).

Okay...that's my rant.

Unknown said...

Laurel -
I did not know it was part of the 12 step thingy? I almost did put that...Yikes. I also added the denial bit here in comments. We are on an AA theme here especially with the tequila. Oh dear!

They have doggy prods (kinda like cattle prods) which shock the little guys every time they bark... I heard it works. Albeit a bit cruel?

Its good to rant!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mystee!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Shellie, for whatever reason, the Linky device has developed some kind of glitch and shows every link I enter as leading to my "Collections" site!

I guess it doesn't matter, as long as the link leads to the right place...but just saying.

Unknown said...

Laurel -
Oh no! Mr. Linky is slightly automated in that the last post you posted on Mr. Linky is the one that is in the url address box. I noticed that.

Did you tell Natasha? I am sure she can fix it.

I like that phrase (just saying) :)

Charlotte said...

Thanks for including me!

And good luck with your fiesta-ing!

Unknown said...

You are welcome Charlotte. Have fun I will try and get by to say hello again later!

Natasha @ Maw Books said...

Loved that you linked to the ten bloggers. You had a great day Shellie and keeping it simple is always good. I still have things from my first bloggiesta I still haven't gotten done and well . . . hosting duties prevent me from working on my own blog but I love seeing everybody else improve their own!

Allison said...

I'm glad you posted the blogs you visited, I checked out the ones you linked to that I'd never been to before :)

Hope you have a great weekend! (Also, I love your header!)

Bobbie said...

Wow, seeing everyone knocking out there lists makes me feel behind, lol. I have been to busy visiting blogs and reading them. I think yours will be the last stop for a few hours so I can get some work done:) Good luck this weekend!

Rowena said...

Holy goodness you have a lot of things to check off your to do list. Good luck with it. Your blog looks great!

Unknown said...

Thanks Natasha -
I thought a few of Layers of Thought's non participants would like to link to new blog discoveries.

I definitely feel better now to know that a few of the challenges from your first bloggiesta where not met.

I am not sure I will ever be able to find all those dead links - Yikes!

I was also thinking about how you could not really participate being a host for the event.

Thanks for checking in here :)

Unknown said...

Allison -
Cheers! Your avatar is so cute, and postitve. Have a great bloggiesta.

Bobbie -
Don't be to hard on yourself. I was on myself the last bloggiesta hence my KISS model and I still wont't get it all done.

I am thinking its the effort, the awareness of what you can do via more experienced bloggers, and the fun of it that truly matters.

Rowena -
Thanks, and you know I just tried to keep it light this time as well, which tells you something.

Thanks for stopping by all. I will be by your blogs in the next few days or so to say hello. Probably after bloggiesta since I am going to unplug this weekend.

Have a blast!

Sarah said...

I am doing the Community Challenge right now. I really like your header, it just jumps out and captured my attention. You have done a great job on your blog so far. Keep up the good work and I hope you have great bloggiesta!

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah!
I like really vibrant headers, so when I found this picture I got really excited.

Good luck on the Bloggiesta as well. I will be by to check out your blog some time tomorrow.Although almost impossible I am trying to unplug on the weekends.

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