Thursday, March 4, 2010

ARC Preview: The House of Tomorrow by Peter Bognanni


Amazon Book Stats:

  • Hardcover: 354 pages
  • Publisher: Amy Einhorn Books/Putnam (March 4, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0399156097
  • ISBN-13: 978-0399156090
  • Genre: General Fiction – Coming of age story

    Book Info:

    Sebastian Prendergast lives in a geodesic dome with his eccentric grandmother, who homeschooled him in the teachings of futurist philosopher R. Buckminster Fuller. But when his grandmother has a stroke, Sebastian is forced to leave the dome and make his own way in town.

    Jared Whitcomb is a chain-smoking sixteen-year-old heart-transplant recipient who befriends Sebastian, and begins to teach him about all the things he has been missing, including grape soda, girls, and Sid Vicious. They form a punk band called The Rash, and it's clear that the upcoming Methodist Church talent show has never seen the likes of them. Wholly original, The House of Tomorrow is the story of a young man's self-discovery, a dying woman's last wish, and a band of misfits trying desperately to be heard.

    Author Info:


    Peter Bognanni is a writer currently based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. His first novel, The House of Tomorrow, is forthcoming from Amy Einhorn Books (Putnam) in early 2010. He attended the Iowa Writers' Workshop not long ago, and his short stories and humor pieces have appeared in various literary journals. He teaches Creative Writing at Macalester College and works (almost) every day on a new book.

    Peter Bognanni’s webpage and blog.

    Purchasing links for Amazon are US/UK/Canada, and The Book Depository in Euro/AUD.

    This book was sent to me by Putman Books via Shelf Awareness. A big thanks to both.

    Review coming soon!

    Thanks for reading Layers of Thought.


    Anonymous said...

    Girl -- getting ARC copies -- you are a big-time reviewer/blogger! This does sound really good, a little like Blast From the Past with Brendan Fraser, but with more serious tones. Thanks for featuring.

    Unknown said...

    Nicole -
    I've been getting ARCs for No biggie. *so she says with her plate very full*

    All you have to do is beg, bend over back wards and subscribe to Shelf Then answer every arc requests offered on the site and you end up with a few here or there.

    You too can do this... I know it.

    John's got his grubbies on this one. The "lad lit" theme here. Just found out about this "sub genre" from my friend Charlie - Professor B Worm - lol!

    Never heard of Brendan Fraser. Will have to check him out.

    Kerri said...

    I think I'd like this, I love Buckminster Fuller's work. Crazy stuff. I'll watch for your review.

    Unknown said...

    Keri -
    The only thing I know about Fuller is his geodesic domes... which are crazy.. cool but crazy. :)

    I thought it sounded fun as well as I liked the

    John is reading this right now - and hes almost finished. A review should be up some time next week.

    Thanks for commenting and have a great weekend.

    Anonymous said...

    If nothing else, you have to give Bognanni and A+ for story originality. I'll wait for John's review before I decide to read it. (I trust you guys.) (Sorry, guy and gal.)

    Unknown said...

    Charlie -
    John finished this last night. He was up till 1 am - which says something. Review should be out next week.

    And I take no offense in the term guys.. I feel like its and endearment.

    Now off to answer all your other responses. We have been officially "wormed"... which is a different animal altogether from spam....

    John D said...

    Hi Nicole/Kerr/Charlie,

    Not just up until 1.00 am but up until 1.00 am AFTER some splendid sushi and a bottle of sake. I'm surprised I made it through to the end of the book!

    Wow - I didn't even realize that Buckminster Fuller was a real person! Doh.

    Review is on the way - I'm still thinking about this one and I'm vacillating a bit. It is most certainly original.

    John D said...

    Hi Kerri - sorry for the address to "Kerr". I'm blaming it on the sake.

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