Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Preview: The Novice – Why I Became a Buddhist Monk, Why I Quit and What I Learned by Stephen Schettini

41a1V56Lw0L._SL160_ Book Stats:

  • Hardcover: 349 pages
  • Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press (September 1, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1608320057
  • ISBN-13: 978-1608320059
  • Genre: Memoir

    Book Blurb:

    A life of comfort and security awaits Stephen Schettini but, feeling trapped by the expectations of his parents and culture, he scorns his unhappy childhood and determines to pursue his deepest hopes and dreams. This intimate memoir tells the story of a disillusioned young man who sabotages his university finals and abandons home, family, and possessions to journey through Europe, the Middle East and Asia in search of a more meaningful life. After narrowly escaping illness and drug addiction, he encounters Tibetan refugees in exile. Entranced, he finally stops running. In introspective detail and lyrical prose, Schettini recounts his monkhood in the Buddhist tradition. With eye-opening accounts of the most famous Tibetan lamas to escape Chinese occupation, descriptions of faraway places, and dozens of evocative photographs, The Novice is destined to become a classic memoir of faith in oneself and the search for ultimate truth.

    Author Bio:

    StephenByJan(smiling)Stephen Schettini is the author of The Novice: Why I Became A Buddhist Monk, Why I Quit and What I Learned. This memoir opens with the frustrated childhood that led him as a young man on an exciting overland trip through Iran, Afghanistan and the Swat Valley before settling down among the Tibetans for a life of study and meditation.

    He resides with his wife, Caroline, in Quebec, Canada.

    For more information click on the author’s picture to link to his website.

    This book was sent to Layers of Thought for review by Planned TV Arts.

    • Amazon purchasing links for US/UK/Canada, and The Book Depository in EUR, and AUD.

    The Novice will be included in the World Religion Challenge 2010. To link to Layers of Thought’s post and review links for the challenge please click on the badge below.

    World Religion2


    Anonymous said...

    this does sound like an interesting read!

    Unknown said...

    Nicole -
    I thought so...
    Buddhism fascinates me.
    I did have horror dreams of being stuck as a nun as a child but now that I am older the peaceful aspect is more appealing.

    :) Take care.

    Anonymous said...

    This sounds fascinating. Buddhism is so fascinating and I want to learn more about it. This book sounds like it will assist me in understanding it better. Thanks for finding a book like this.

    Unknown said...

    Barb -
    Thanks, I just try and pick the reads I like hoping it will be something some one can relate to.
    The good new is that they sent me two copies. I think that I will be having a giveaway for this books soon.
    So stay tuned! :)

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