Tuesday, December 15, 2009

EBook Preview: Alone by Marissa Farrar

Alone 2 copy

  • Publisher: Vamplit Publishing (November 2009)
  • ISBN: 978-1-907366-07-09
  • Ebook - pages 225
  • Genre: Horror - Romance

Book Info:

When Serenity reaches the end of her tether no one can save her. The men in her life to date have all been takers, users, people who suck the life out her and then somehow make her feel as if it’s her fault. This was Serenity’s life until she crosses paths with the mysterious Sebastian.

From the moment they meet Serenity’s life changes, but Sebastian has a dark secret and a past that threatens Serenity’s future. Finally Serenity is alone, but does she now have the strength to conquer her fears and save herself.

This vampire novel is a romance not just between a man and a woman or between vampire and human. It is a novel that looks at how we are all alone and how we can actually draw strength from our past to face the future.

pic.phpAuthor Bio:

Writing since she was a young girl Alone is Marissa’s first novel. She has always had a connection with horror, and as a child would sneak downstairs to read her mother’s horror books when everyone else was asleep.

She has a degree in Zoology, has traveled the world and currently lives in Spain with her husband and daughter. She will always consider Devon, England her home


To connect with Marissa link to her blog. She is a new author and would love to hear from you!

To read the first chapter of Alone, as well as purchase and download it - link here to EbookUndead.com. 

This book was won at a contest on Nicole Hadaway’s Blog, where she has an ebook contest every Friday. Thanks Nicole and Marissa!

For more horror, fantasy, science fiction, and vampire ebooks link to:

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Review coming soon!


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for the thoughtful review and bio of Marissa :)
Thanks for sharing,
Happy Holidays,

Unknown said...

RK -
Just a preview post. Publishers book data and purchasing info.

Review with my personal thoughts coming soon!

It does sound good though. :)

Thanks for the comment.

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