Friday, May 7, 2010

Literary Links for the busy, bored, or both


I love alliterations!

Happy last day of the working week (for most readers.) Here is a weekly collection of stuff I found from my web perusals. Please feel free to link anything you think would be of relevance in the comment section for others to look at as well.

 Interesting Blogs, Sites, and Info:

  • Here is a link for a wonderful comic book review blog called The Weekly-Crisis.
  • An interesting interactive and fun Science Fiction site – Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual  (guys - the kid in you is going to love this!)
  • This particular site is all about the future of the book industry with some incredible technological ideas – we’re talking “out there”, fun and sci fi-ish ideas. Check it out – The Literary Platform
  • Why men don’t read books – article; another by a man at The Huffington Post.
  • Just when you thought you were twittered out, there is a book event happening there and its a Neil Gaiman twitter discussion of American Gods.
  • Aarti from BOOKLUST  has a site she is hosting, which I have just become aware of. It revolves around independently published books, and is called Spotlight Series. It looks like the site has a variety of bloggers reviewing books in a tour; although the current tour is filled these bloggers will be doing reviews of lesser known works – to help support lesser known publishers.

Nookish Links for the E-Bookish:

  • The Nook had higher sales than the Kindle in March – read here.
  • If you are a “nookster” here is a new application for your nook which apparently will add RSS feeds to your device. I have not checked it out (yet) but here is article link, and the application download page here.
  • Interested in accessing some online free speculative fiction? Including a new and Hugo nominated title, link here. (You do not need an e-reader for these books).

Lists of Books and Blogs:

  • Just in case you don’t have enough to read – Amazon has two lists of the top 50 books of each category Young Adult and Adult for their Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. Each title links to the list of those books going to the semi finals.
  • Favorite book blogs from an eight year blogger veteran at Utne ReaderMaude Newton listed here. Although very literature minded links they are interesting non the less.

Writers Links:

  • Here is a Science Fiction short story contest which ends June 30. It must be science based and there is a prize of $250 and more for the winner. Link here to the post.

Non-literary links I liked:

I am working on a post of desert blooms with pictures taken from the last several weeks. Sadly they will all be “sizzled” away when the post is live – yet we can all live vicariously through the pictures. The temps are climbing here in the desert, it is beautiful still.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Shellie. I always enjoy your "newsletters."

Unknown said...

Charlie -
Excellent - so which of the B's are you?

I've been by your blog and read your rants. How are your readers taking it?

Unknown said...

wow, thanks Shellie!! some great sites to look at!

Unknown said...

Shelley -
I thought they were fun...:)

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I like links! Thanks...and the picture of the chain links—I have a similar one on my Out on a Limb blog, for clicking to my "other blog links." It certainly gives a visual image, doesn't it?

Aarti said...

I love the organic cheatsheet! Over the summer I try to buy most of my veggies at the farmers' market, but sometimes that gets very expensive.

And thanks for the tip on the Spotlight Series! We are getting started in just one week for NYRB!

Unknown said...

Laurel -
I've been finding some fun stuff lately...

Out on a Limb blog? Goodness I haven't seen that one yet.
Do you have link?
Thanks Laurel :)

Aarti -
Excellent - I thought it was a cute cheat sheet - we could all use fun healthy tips.

I am definitely looking forward to the reviews. Its funny if you had not sent me the notification on Face Book I would not have known it existed... glad you did.

NYRB? one of the publishers? I need to do some deeper reading of the site. I am the queen of skim and skip...

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