Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hot! Hot! Hot! Off the Press - Bookish Bits

hot off the press

I have come across some interesting “Bookish Bits” of information around the web that perhaps you have (or hopefully not) read about. Some may not be that “hot off the press” buy they are linked here with a short description. Enjoy!

According to Marie Claire magazine – reading reduces stress by 68%. But then we knew that already.

The New Yorker has a list of The Seven Essential Fantasy Reads.

American Book Review has a variety of quotes on The Future of Fiction.

The Second Pass has a book Black List – a recommendation of what you can skip in the when reading literature.

There is a possibility of a library themed Ben & Jerry flavored ice cream. How fun!

An interesting article about paid advertising and disclosure for blogs. Not completely bookish but it relates to book bloggers.

A link for tweets from Philippa Gregory’s main protagonist in the The White Queen.

An amazing 91 year old woman who reads 12 books a week in Scotland.

A lower priced E-Reader from Sony is on the market designed to compete with Amazon’s Kindle.


Anonymous said...

Some interesting bits, indeed. I enjoyed the Fantasy recommendations, and found that I've read five of books on the Black List. Darnit, I could have been reading "romances" instead . . .

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

WOW,,,91/y/old reads 12 books a week..pretty impressive!

Unknown said...

Charlie - LOL! I thought you didn't like romance ;).

Diane - I know I was amazed. 91 is impressive, 12 books a week is incredible. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was being sarcastic about "romances"--better known as women as sex objects.

I sent the article about the 91 year-old lady to my blog friend in, get this, Castle Douglas, Scotland.

12 books a week. I'll be lucky to have five in all of August.

Unknown said...

Charlie -
I'm not a romance - stand alone reader either. It has to have some violence, science, depth, quirk, or something more. Hey being a sex object can be fun for about 20 minutes. :)

That is so funny about someone in Scotland via America - I wonder if he/she has seen the article or not?

I'm getting about the same amount read as well. I've had myself glued to the computer screen since I started this blog.


Got some ideas from the links and must admit I admire a person who puts up lists of things NOT to read.

Unknown said...

Elizabeth -
but they are book related :) - and we can't always post only about books. A few personal tidbits are good for the reader. I think it makes things a bit more interesting.

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