Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Three Awards for me! and now, finally, my Nominees.

I have received three awards in the last month since I started blogging. I feel very honored. Thank you! Meanwhile I have been madly collecting wonderful blogs to read, and to nominate - which is why it has taken so long to post the first two awards. Just a bit obsessive here. :)

Each of the blogs that I have nominated are taken from my Google reader (I can't believe that I did not know what a reader was a month ago.) I have tried to make a point of nominating blogs with smaller followings. And for those of you that are more established - your next. As for you guys.... I didn't think a girly award would be for you.... so we'll have to come up with something here soon.

My first award is the Lemonade Award and was given to me by Yvette from True Crimes. Thank you Yvette. Yvette has an important and informative blog where she highlights true crime books. Check her out!

The Lemonade Award is a feel good award that shows great attitude or gratitude. Here are the rules for accepting this award:
Put the Lemonade Award logon on your blog or post.
Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
Link your nominees within your post.
Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.

Here is my list of nominees:
Alexa at Hooked on YA Books
Susie Sunshine from The Geeky Bookworm
Linds at funny because its true
Crystal at ACTUALIZE
Mel at I'm Not Weird, Just Gifted
Caspette at Narrative Causality
When I read I get to Travel
Jenny at Interior Design Junky
Megan at Reading Through Life
Shona's Book Shelf

The second award that I have received is The Hearthfelt Award and was given to me by Donna from Fantasy Dreamer. Thanks Donna. Donna has a fun and sexy blog for paranormal romance and beyond. Take a look at her blog.

The Hearthfelt Award:
Do you reach for a cup of cocoa or tea when your relaxing, seeking comfort, sharing a plate of cookies with family and freinds? You know the feeling you get when you drink a yummy cup of cocoa, tea, or a hot toddy? That is what the Hearthfelt Award is all about, feeling warm inside.
Put the logo on your blog/post.
Nominate up to to 9 blogs which make you feel comfy or warm inside.
Be sure to link your nominees withing your post.
Let them know that they have been nominated by commenting on their blog.
Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.

Here is my list of nominees.
Jessica at Book Lover's Diary
Natalie at The Book Inn
Andrea at The Little Book Worm
Veronika at True Harbour
Anna Marie at NATS
Deanna at Mom Musings
Libby's Literary Library
Linda at Left Brain Write
Janet's Book Place

My third award The Kreativ Blog Award has been given to my by Jessica from A Book Lover's Diary. Thank you Jessica! Jessica is just starting out and her blog looks great. A promising up and coming book blog. Stop by and see her postings!

This is a meme, and here are the rules:
If you accept it, you are to list seven favorite things and nominate seven bloggers for the award.

My seven favorite things:
Books - no surprise here!
Fresh pink grapefruit juice from our back yard tree
Desert hikes - when its not 113 degrees.
My ancient and toothless kitty - Honey
World of Warcraft
My mostly sweet husband - JD
Reading in bed

Here is my list of nominees:
Reading One Mile at a Time
Jennie at Biblio File
Keri at Books with Swords
Helen at A Reading Collection
Rachel at Book Wars
Book Dragon's Lair
Kerri at Book Ends

Thanks again to my nominaters and my nominees should be getting a posting in the next few days. This is such a wonderful way of connecting, sharing, and finding readers.


Amanda said...

Congrats on all those awards!! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Amanda...It took me all day to get that posting together... I'm not really good at this yet. :)

Donna said...

Congrats! Well deserved awards. You're welcome and thanks for the nice word on my blog. (^_^)

Unknown said...

Donna - You are do welcome, because its true. :)

Crystal Posey said...

This is very sweet. Thank you :)

Jessica said...

Congrats to you! And thanks for passing an award on to me! :)

CallMeIshmael said...

Thank you so much, Shellie! I've never received an award before! :) And congratulations yourself on the others, too. :)

Andrea said...

Congrats on your award and thanks for mine! :)

Keri said...

Wow, I am so honored! Thanks for the award!

Rachel said...

Congrat's on your awards and thank you so much on mine =) So the book was good? I can not wait to start reading it!

Natalie W said...

I was feeling so blue today and then i got your comment about the award and it just made my day! Thanks so much for thinking of me :0)

Libby's Library said...

Thanks so much. This was so kind of you. - I'll get my award and nominations up soon.
I'll be following you from now on!

Helen said...

Hello, Shellie. :) Thank you so much for the award. It was very kind of you. Congrats to all the winners. I'm loving your blog, by the way, especially that quote from Oscar Wilde. It is so very true!

Rachel said...

I have another one for you lol come get it here, great blog =)


Kerri said...

Shellie - Thanks so much for the award! I'll try and get my post up in the next couple days to pass along the good wishes.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your awards, they are well deserved. Thanks for passing an award to me and also giving me new blogs to check out. Have a great week. :)

Melanie Gillispie said...

Congratulations on all of your awards and thank you for mine! That was really sweet! I was just having a look around at your blog and I just have to say: Ooooooh! Books! They're my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for the award. It is very sweet of you to give it to me. I have not been to good a posting with all the children home on summer break. This is a blog I really want to build, since design in my passion.

Thanks again and have a great day.

Erin said...

Thanks for the award! I never thought people would actually read my simple little blog!

Unknown said...

Congrats to all! Thanks for coming by and leaving a message. :)

Linda said...

Hi Shellie! Thanks for the Heartfelt - getting it made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Been awol from blogging, and so nice to see this checking in. I'll spread the karma in the next few days. Meanwhile, enjoy your bubble bath! Peace, Linda

Unknown said...

Great Linda! I just put that new pic up...your the first one to say anything.... lol. We'll see if it gets any negative followings...its not me btw. :)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Wow! Congratulations on all the awards. That's certainly enough to make your day brighter.

Hope you're having a great day!

Unknown said...

Trish - thanks for the post. I have three more (I think) to post. LOL!

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