Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gotta Love Give Aways Winnings - from The Zen Leaf

I have won my first book give away. It's Tithe  by Holly Black. Thank you to Amanda an incredibly prolific reader and book reviewer. Check her blog out, just click on the title of this posting.


Jenners said...

Congrats! I just won a book today too (Julie and Julia). Maybe we should play the lottery!

Amanda said...

Aw, thanks for the compliments, Shellie. I'm impressed with the whole title-link thing! I didn't realize we could do that!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first win, may there be many. Have a great week. :)

ps-thanks for visiting my blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jenners - yes lotta all the way!
Amanda your amazing - you are the straw that broke the camels back and I started this speed reading thingy! We shall see.
Ann Marie - I hope your right and that there will be many wins and I have you in my google reader for updates.
In fact I'm reading all your blogs - such fun.

Jenny Girl said...

Congrats and enjoy!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jenny - I'm having tons of fun.

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