Thursday, September 24, 2009

Review: Something Wicked this Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

2nd Witch: By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes. [Knocking] Open locks, Whoever knocks! [Enter Macbeth]

Macbeth: How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags!
What is't you do?      Macbeth Act 4, scene 1, 44–49

something wicked this way comes audio

Book Stats:

  • Audio CD
  • Publisher: Blackstone Audio books; Unabridged (October 30, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0786176261
  • ISBN-13: 978-0786176267

    Mini Summary:

    This classic fantasy/horror tale was originally published in 1963. It revolves around Will Halloway and Jim Nightshade whom are the best of friends and live next door to one another. They are inseparable with Will being the down to earth easy going boy and Jim as the wilder and “darker” of the two.

    The setting is a small town in middle America and its October. A scary storm front moves into town along with a mysterious and creepy traveling circus/carnival. As things get a bit wild and go awry the two boys become inextricably involved in the traveling carnival's evil doings. As the story progresses the nature of good and evil and how evil itself may be combated are addressed.

    My Thoughts:

    I listened to this story in audio format, which was pleasant. I liked its lyrical, slightly poetic style which is characteristic of Bradbury’s signature style. Read by Stanley Kubrik with his deep and resonant voice, where he changes his tone with each character and their moods. It is close to perfect for this story.

    Recommended for Halloween/Fall reading for young adults, mature older children, and adults to read to children. Most significant it has the perfect solution for being scared - laughter/humor. There is little or no violence, mild language, yet it is very suspenseful. I give this audio version of the book 3.5 stars. (I liked it a lot.)

  • Links to GLBT:

    This particular book was read for a GLBT challenge and taken from a site which lists it as having these elements. The relationship is however not clear unless one is aware of such nuances – such as the community itself. Once aware it does become subtly apparent as the relationship between Will and Jim is revealed. The boys are obviously very close, and are fairly affectionate which could allude to the possibility of a budding romantic relationship.

    Wikipedia link for the novel.

    Amazon purchasing links for this audio book are US/UK/Canada respectively (book only for UK):

    A Sound of Thunder / Something Wicked This Way Comes /Something Wicked This Way Comes/ Something Wicked This Way Comes/A Sound of Thunder


    Amanda said...

    Huh. I wouldn't have known this had GlBt issues inferred in it. I've seen the movie version of this in school (I think) but the only Bradbury I've read is Fahrenheit 451, and only recently at that. I think I need to read some more.

    DCMetroreader said...

    Wow I'm impressed that Stanley Kubrick was the reader. I've never read any of Bradbury's works, but I like the idea of listening to it on audio format.

    Unknown said...

    Amanda -
    Yes I know I was a bit blown away at some of the stuff that this site said was GLBT.
    Even Frankenstein which I did not include in my list but am reading/listening too right now. Here is the link to the site where I got my info.
    gay horror lit

    Unknown said...

    DC -
    It was really good. I have found this amazing resource located here in the Phoenix AZ valley where you can download and play on your iPod so many books for free. I love it!
    I would imagine living in the DC Metro area you would have similar access to such a library.
    I would have never known about this particular reading version of the book without it.
    It was very good. I feel like a kid being read to again.

    Krista said...

    This is the first I've heard of this one, it sounds fun! I might have to try this one sometime in october. Thanks for the cool halloween book review!

    Krista said...

    Oh and just in case you still need the link to my Sanderson review here:

    Talk to you in a few days or so! All the best!

    Anonymous said...

    The most chilling mind-scene to me in SWTWC was the black train approaching the town in the dead of night. It emenated evil and gave me the creeps.

    The best horror to me isn't the graphic slice 'n dice, but rather the stuff that causes mental goosebumps.

    Unknown said...

    Krista -
    Yes, this is a good old fashioned scary story. Published in the year I was born - its kinda old. ;)

    Thanks for the link - I was looking for a Mistborn review. I'm about to post mine. I will post this link to your review with my review of Warbreaker.

    Unknown said...

    Charlie -
    This is definitely a classic and it takes a gifted story teller to scare you without the guts and gore.
    This definitely makes the list.

    But I do like a bit of blood now and then. :)

    Jenners said...

    I'm trying to remember if I read this or just saw the movie! I have a vague recollection of this one. I just love love love the title!

    Unknown said...

    Jenners -
    Yes it is wonderful. I bet Bradbury read or saw the play Macbeth and conjured up his story from that - its great to see the influences of writers and artists on each other.
    Thanks for the comment.

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