Monday, July 30, 2012

Review: Permanence ~ by Vincent Zandri

Permanence - Zandri

Review for Permanence ~ by Vincent Zandri

A tragic page turning story that has madness, and themes of water and fire at its core.

About:  This is the second version of Vincent Zandri’s award nominated story first published in 1995.  It’s a heartbreaking thriller with a broken main character named Mary Kismet. She has a family history of mental illness, her first baby drowned accidently in the household bathtub and her husband has subsequently left her. As she struggles to keep herself together, her only solace is her weekly visit to her psychiatrist, who has overstepped his professional boundaries. But he too has his secrets, which he is unable to share. The question is: will it take Mary over the edge?

Thoughts:  The above is the first part of a heart-stopping story which although interspersed with some happier moments spirals down, becoming more convoluted until its heartbreaking ending. Told in an unusual writing style, Zandri is both down to earth and unique in his word usage. He also does a fine job of taking the perspective of a woman on the edge or sanity.

With its theme of water running through the novel, there is a drowning and a trip to Venice as key events. So be prepared to be taken on a trip to Italy and more, where you have to keep reading to find out what’s going to happen next. I enjoyed this novella, give it a 3.5 stars, and recommend it for those who enjoy tragic thrillers.

143 pages; Bear Media; (May 4, 2012) original publication by Northwest Pub (November 1995) partners in crime tour button

For more about the author and his numerous books link to his website:

This story is part of a book tour, hosted by Partners in Crime. Link to Vincent Zandri’s tour page via the badge above.

Partners in Crime is also looking for reviewers. If interested information is provided on their website.

It will be included in The Short Story Challenge 2012.


  1. This one sounds right up my alley! I'm adding it to my list.
    Natalie :0)

  2. Natalie -
    I think you will like this and buzz through it in one sitting. I am not a fast reader so I did it in two.

    Don't you just love the cover?


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