Monday, December 20, 2010

Midwinter’s Eve Giveaway Hop ~ December 21 till 22



Welcome to the Midwinter’s Eve Giveaway Hop! ~  Its a “quickie” since there will only be 48 hours to enter all the giveaways for the participating blogs. At last count there were 125. (Badge above links the host site – I’m A Reader, Not A Writer).

We know its such a busy time of year, but what a way to relieve stress – winning books!  Here is your chance to hop to a variety of blogs to enter contests for books and more. Layers of Thought’s books for this hop are listed below. So to enter our contests click on the covers and follow the instructions on each of the pages.

Please do not leave your entries on this post. With that being said the easiest and quickest way to enter our contests is to leave your email address on the designated post for the book(s) that you wish to win. Just click on the covers to the post and leave your email address there.  For more points and to increase your chances, follow the ways you can get those extra points. Please remember you do not have to be “a reader” to win, anyone can enter.

We have two different giveaways for this Hop. Click on the cover to enter the book(s) of your choice.


To Win this Series click on Cover!

A three book series: The Instrumentalities of the Night ~ by Glen Cook

  • Surrender to the Will of the Night (book three)US|UK|Canada.
  • Lord of the Silent Kingdom (book two) ~ US|UK|Canada.
  • The Tyranny of the Night (book one) ~ US|UK|Canada.

This contest is for a US address only. It is epic fantasy so the themes will include some deeper pondering about the nature existence.



To Win this Book click on Cover!

Dayling ~ by Gabriel Madison

Gabriel Madison’s second book, which I am excited about, is a young adult vampire novel with an interesting twist to the theme.

This book is available internationally in ebook format, and softbound for a US shipping address.

Amazon  ~ US[Kindle] ~ UK[Kindle] and Smashwords (for other formats and to print).



Then of course you can link to the other blogs within this hop via the “Mr. Linky” below, with its listing of 125 other blogs too. Most of all have fun good luck!


  1. thanks for this great giveaway hope to win!!;)

  2. Happy Holidays and blog hopping for great books!

    bitsyblingbooks (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. your give awya is awesome i havent heard of any of those books

    im a follower

    and i live in the USA

  4. Count me in for a ecopy of Dayling ~ by Gabriel Madison

    raluk.93 at gmail (doT) com


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