Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Glue Guru Wins: The Language of Secrets; Bloodroot; Seven Days in the Art World; and I Am Martin Eisenstadt



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Check out Glue’s Guru Program:  Since I have been blogging and “Glue’ing” I have won over 60 books. All within a little over a year. That's around one book per week – amazing right? You should see our shelves… they are exploding!

The four books listed below, I won via Glue’s Guru program, where if you are designated a guru of a book, they will send you another that is similar, which they hope you will read and then share your thoughts about via Glue, your blog, or more.

Glue is an add on where a tool bar is visible at the bottom of your computer screen. When you visit a site for a specific product or subject – like a Wikipedia site, the avatars of previous viewers subscribed to glue appear. By scrolling over their icons you will get their thoughts, blog posts, or a thumbs up or down on the topic. It is all a way for you to find recommendations, other’s thoughts, and more about books, movies, products, and subjects. You too can “like” a product, comment, “dislike”, and become a guru too. Which will then help you win stuff – like me here.

These are the book Previews listed below:    (A note on Previews: They are the blurbs provided by the publisher on the books – which are different from our Reviews which contain our thoughts opinions. My hope is that you will not have to go to several sites to find what you would like to know about a book, an author, or how much it costs. And besides, authors, publicists, and publishers love it.)

Here are the books listed within this Preview:

  • The Language of Secrets ~ by Dianne Dixon
  • Bloodroot ~ by Amy Greene
  • Seven Days in the Art World ~ by Sarah Thornton
  • I Am Martin Eisenstadt ~ by Martin Eisenstadt




The Language of Secrets ~ by Dianne Dixon

From a fresh and exciting new voice in women's fiction, The Language of Secrets unflinchingly examines the lifelong repercussions of a father's betrayal.

Justin Fisher has a successful career as the manager of a luxury hotel, a lovely wife, and a charming young son. While all signs point to a bright future, Justin can no longer ignore the hole in his life left by his estranged family. When he finally gathers the courage to reconnect with his troubled past, Justin is devastated to learn that his parents have passed away. And a visit to the cemetery brings the greatest shock of all—next to the graves of his father and mother sits a smaller tombstone for a three-year-old boy: a boy named Thomas Justin Fisher.

What follows is an extraordinary journey as Justin struggles with issues of his own identity and pieces together the complex and heartbreaking truth about his family. With great skill and care, Dianne Dixon explores the toll that misunderstandings, blame, and resentment can take on a family. But it is the intimate details of family life—a mother's lullaby for her son, a father's tragic error in judgment—that make this novel so exceptional and an absolute must for reading groups everywhere.

The Language of Secrets is the story of an unspeakable loss born of human frailty and an ultimate redemption born of human courage.


Bio: Dianne Dixon is a television writer who has won the prestigious Humanitas Prize for Excellence in Screenwriting, has been twice nominated for an Emmy, and regularly receives glowing reviews of her work from producers and programming executives.  The Language of Secrets is Dixon’s first novel. She currently lives with her husband in California.   For more information on Diane Dixon you can visit her website.

Amazon purchasing links for US/UK/Canada.




Bloodroot ~ by Amy Greene

Named for a flower whose blood-red sap possesses the power both to heal and poison, Bloodroot is a stunning fiction debut about the legacies—of magic and madness, faith and secrets, passion and loss—that haunt one family across the generations, from the Great Depression to today.

The novel is told in a kaleidoscope of seamlessly woven voices and centers around an incendiary romance that consumes everyone in its path: Myra Lamb, a wild young girl with mysterious, haint blue eyes who grows up on remote Bloodroot Mountain; her grandmother Byrdie Lamb, who protects Myra fiercely and passes down “the touch” that bewitches people and animals alike; the neighbor boy who longs for Myra yet is destined never to have her; the twin children Myra is forced to abandon but who never forget their mother’s deep love; and John Odom, the man who tries to tame Myra and meets with shocking, violent disaster. Against the backdrop of a beautiful but often unforgiving country, these lives come together—only to be torn apart—as a dark, riveting mystery unfolds.

With grace and unflinching verisimilitude, Amy Greene brings her native Appalachia—and the faith and fury of its people—to rich and vivid life. Here is a spellbinding tour de force that announces a dazzlingly fresh, natural-born storyteller in our midst.

Bio: Amy Greene was born and raised in the foothills of East Tennessee’s Smoky Mountains, where she lives with her husband and two children. You can connect with Amy on Goodreads where she is a subscriber there.

Amazon purchasing links for US/UK/Canada.



Seven Days in the Art World ~ by Sarah Thornton

A fly-on-the-wall account of the smart and strange subcultures that make, trade, curate, collect, and hype contemporary art.

The art market has been booming. Museum attendance is surging. More people than ever call themselves artists. Contemporary art has become a mass entertainment, a luxury good, a job description, and, for some, a kind of alternative religion.

In a series of beautifully paced narratives, Sarah Thornton investigates the drama of a Christie's auction, the workings in Takashi Murakami's studios, the elite at the Basel Art Fair, the eccentricities of Artforum magazine, the competition behind an important art prize, life in a notorious art-school seminar, and the wonderland of the Venice Biennale. She reveals the new dynamics of creativity, taste, status, money, and the search for meaning in life. A judicious and juicy account of the institutions that have the power to shape art history, based on hundreds of interviews with high-profile players, Thornton's entertaining ethnography will change the way you look at contemporary culture.

Bio: Sarah Thornton is a freelance writer who contributes to The New Yorker, BBC-TV, and She has degrees in art history and sociology. She lives in London. For more on Sarah Thornton here is here website.

Amazon purchasing links for US/UK/Canada.



I Am Martin Eisenstadt:  One Mans (Wildly Inappropriate) Adventures with the Last Republicans ~ by Dan Mirvish and Eitan Gorlin

In the days after the 2008 presidential election, we heard that Sarah Palin thought Africa was one big country. We heard that the leak came from Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain policy adviser. And then, within forty-eight hours, we heard that he was a fraud, a fake, and that Martin Eisenstadt doesn’t exist.

Maybe he doesn’t. But in a world where ‘news’ can spread like wildfire on the Internet and a hoax can tell you more about politics than the facts, Martin Eisenstadt—whose blog and think tank fooled the world—has something to tell us. With the savviness of Primary Colors and the playfulness of Forrest Gump, his book is a mix of political intrigue, campaign-trail escapades, and cyberspace detective work. From debate preparation with Sarah Palin to his mother’s basement (yes, he still lives at home), from Liberation of Iraq softball games to Saturday Night Live; from his campaign for casinos in the Green Zone to happy hour in Washington, we follow a neocon pundit on his travels. This is his version of the election campaign.
Martin Eisenstadt: American hero? Con artist? You decide.

Bio:    Martin Eisenstadt is political strategist and conservative analyst you can find out more about him on his blog. Award-winning filmmakers Dan Mirvish and Eitan Gorlin co-wrote the satirical novel I Am Martin Eisenstadt: One Mans (Wildly Inappropriate) Adventures with the Last Republicans  from Farrar, Straus, Giroux. Mirvish co-founded the Slamdance Film Festival and directed the real-estate musical Open House, and Gorlin was nominated for an IFP Spirit Award for his feature film The Holy Land. Eisenstadt became famous as the faux McCain adviser who claimed Sarah Palin didn't know where Africa was.

Amazon purchasing links for US/UK/Canada.


Want to win free books on glue? Then GetGlue where you can Find Your Next Favorite Thing  If you do sign up add me as a friend – Glue.  (New to glue? have questions? click on the live link or let me know, I am almost always happy to help.)

I am thinking I would like to read Bloodroot (magical realism) and Seven Days in the Art World first. Which of these titles interests you?

Thanks for reading Layers of Thought


  1. Thanks for this post! I just became a guru of a few books today and I have a question:

    How do I insert a hyperlink to my review on my Glue Reviews? Do I use HTML or is there some other way I don't know about?

  2. Amanda -
    What I do is go into goodreads or Amazon and bring up the book page - when the book page is live and the glue tool bar is active I "like" the book in the left hand corner. I put a note in there and then cut and copy the perma-link url for the exact blog post and put it in the little box, which are for you comments.

    You can always unlike a book and redo it if you make a mistake.

    What is really great is that you can also simultaneously post it to twitter and Facebook if you check the little boxes in the comment box.

    Now the most important question is did you add me as a friend? ;)

    If you have any other questions I will try to answer them as well.
    Let us know if you win any books.


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